![]() I had just completed a deep conversation with a group of people I trusted. Trusted enough to share a personal situation in my life that I just could not wrap my head around. I told them how I had tried everything to manipulate it into a good outcome. It wasn’t working. During the lunch break as we were going through the buffet line, a woman’s voice in my ear said, “You think you are pretty dang powerful, don’t you?” I was startled as I turned to see a woman from the group that just heard my story. She saw the look on my face and then went on to say it again. “You think you are pretty dang powerful. So powerful that you can change people, change their situation, change how their story will end. Well, you don’t have that kind of power.” Before I could gather my thoughts enough to respond, she turned and walked away. The nerve of her! Who does she think she is, saying something like that and walking away, I thought as I plunked a large scoop of potato salad - that I had no intention of eating- onto my plate. Her comment was shocking. Her comment was rude. Her comment was hurtful. Her comment was 100% correct! I didn’t have the superpower that could control another person. I didn’t then and I don’t now. None of us do. Believing that we can, will only create stress and tension between people. Everyone does have one superpower that we use every moment of our lives, but we don’t always use it for the highest good. We all have an amazing, powerful ability to capture emotion – and by doing so, we can spur emotion in others. With one word, one action, or one small gesture we can stimulate happiness and joy. Our words and our actions hold a superpower of expressing contagious emotions. When we allow this power out, we can create emotions in others. Today, it seems, that many people are using this superpower in a negative way- spurring anger, hate, and fear. Then in turn the person who receives this uses their superpower to pass it on and it spreads like a wildfire burning and destroying all the joy and happiness in its path. After that buffet line smackdown, I went back to my situation and stopped trying to manipulate the outcome. I put my energy into the one thing I could control – me. I became mindful of how I was using my own superpower. I couldn’t change the path or outcome of the others I was worried about, but I did change how I reacted to it and how I interacted with them. My friend was wrong about one thing… I do believe we are all pretty darn powerful. We all have a superpower. We need to learn how easy it is to put our power in motion to create a positive effect in our lives and project that to others. Be very careful with your power. It is strong. Don’t use your superpower in a negative way. Use your power for good. Concentrate your energy on kindness, joy, and love. And soon you will see just how powerful you are! Pennie’s Life Lesson: “Use your superpower for good. Promote kindness and love, then watch how it magnifies and multiplies in your life.” YOUR TURN...
Share your thoughts and experiences relating to this post in a comment below. And please feel free to email me at: [email protected]. Thank you! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2013-2021 Pennie Hunt This was written and produced by Pennie Hunt. Feel free to forward and share this post. Please keep the entire message intact, including contact, logo, and copyright information.
![]() Marion is an eccentric combination of Annie Oakley, Gloria Steinem, and Shirley Temple. Like Annie Oakley, Marion understood tough times and learned to work hard in order to become financially successful. In the 1860’s Annie, changed ideas about the abilities of women. A century later, Marion did the same. Both had the courage to prove that a woman could stand her ground in the world that men controlled. Marion, a single, teenage mom with an 8th-grade education began waitressing in a small cafe bringing tips home to provide for her infant son and mother. Over the years she gained her PhD in the ways of life eventually purchasing the cafe, bars, supper clubs, and even a construction company. Like Gloria Steinem, she was not afraid to speak up and voice her opinion -even when it was unpopular. She continues to be a strong advocate for women and doesn’t shy away from a discussion about her political views. I’ve seen Marion lock in a business deal during dinner, strongly expressing her opinion about the details of the agreement and then, just as easily changes her composure, blinks her flirty eyes, and giggles with the impish playfulness of a young Shirley Temple. Marion is a force to be noticed. Marion is my mother-in-law. I delight in listening to the stories of her younger years when purchasing property was done with a handshake and over-bearing men were no match for her. She tells of how she has made money, lost money, felt success and experienced desperate times. It was during one of these stories that I heard her make this profound comment, “I never really looked at my glass as half full or half empty. I always thought my glass was filling up!” That statement should be on T-shirts, coffee mugs, and tattoos! That is not just optimistic – that is living a life of expectation. A life of adventure. A life of anticipation-- of learning from whatever waits around the next corner. What if we could all see life that way? The next time you believe you are having a bad day or living through a challenging time think of it as your life just filling up. Filling up with experiences to learn from. Allow your cup to fill with all life has to offer- the good and the challenging. I hope for Marion, for me, and for everyone that our cup of life continues to fill until that very last drip tickles the rim and runs down the side. And when that happens, we all wink, giggle, and with an impish smile know that our life was full! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pennie’s Life Lesson- “Your glass is not half empty or half full – it is always filling!” YOUR TURN...
Share your thoughts and experiences relating to this post in a comment below. And please feel free to email me at: [email protected]. Thank you! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2013-2021 Pennie Hunt This was written and produced by Pennie Hunt. Feel free to forward and share this post. Please keep the entire message intact, including contact, logo, and copyright information. ![]() Those brown eyes. I will never forget those brown eyes looking at me. He was sitting in his truck as I told him I loved him, said goodbye, and walked away. It was the last time. We were at a gas station, my car parked in front of his truck as we both filled our tanks. I paid for his gas. It was the last time. We met for breakfast that morning. IHOP was busy as we slid into our booth. I don’t remember what spurred it, but I remember the conversation. Every. Word. Of. It. I told him how I believe we are all energy, and we shouldn’t look at people for how tall or short they are, what their weight is, or how smart they are. We should look at them for their energy. What the energy of their soul looks like. ![]() I had a scrap of paper in my purse that I took out and drew a star. “This is what I think I look like,” I said as I added sparkly dots to the star because I like jewelry and sparkly things. Then the game began. On the edge of the morning newspaper, we drew people as they entered the restaurant. Not their face or body, but the way we thought their energy looked. Pancakes arrived and the paper was pushed away, but the conversation continued. “You know, I believe our energy never dies,” I said, thinking about my dad who had passed just two years before. I pinched my thumb and finger together, leaving a whisper of space between the two. “I believe grandpa is still here. I believe there is only this much space between where he is and us.” His eyes looked intently at me as I patted the seat of my booth and explained that I believe he is right here next to me all the time. “The energy of grandpa is always close to us and we can talk to him and be with him whenever we want to. “I said. “Do you really believe that?” he asked. “Absolutely! I think grandpa is in a magical place that we can’t even understand… but we will someday.” He was enthralled by this conversation. I was thrilled that he was interested in my beliefs and my way of seeing life, death, and everything in between. When the pancakes were gone and the waiting area was bustling with energy-filled people, we decided we should let someone else have our booth. As we walked out, I said, “I need to get gas in my car, if you follow me, I will fill your tank too.” “Are you sure?” he said with one of his huge smiles. I watched him in my rear-view mirror as he drummed his steering wheel and bounced to the music he was listening to. The vision of the energy that was the soul of my son struck me as a shining light bigger than I could draw on a piece of paper. I never felt more connected to him than I did in that moment. Our tummies, our tanks, and our hearts were full. We hugged. A deep hug that neither of us wanted to let go of. Then he got in his truck. I walked to my car and got in looking back at his eyes still looking at me. It was the last time. I often think of memories of my son and the trail always takes me to the last time I saw him, the last time I touched him, and the last time I heard his voice. I knew the value of that moment was life-changing at the time, but I didn’t know the profound memory that it would become. It has been 14 years. Every year I write about him on his birthday and the anniversary of his relocation to heaven. I will always talk about him, write about him, and remember him – over and over again. It will never be the last time. Pennie’s Life Lesson: “The true value of the moment is in the memory it becomes." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ YOUR TURN...
Share your thoughts and experiences relating to this post in a comment below. And please feel free to email me at: [email protected]. Thank you! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2013-2021 Pennie Hunt This was written and produced by Pennie Hunt. Feel free to forward and share this post. Please keep the entire message intact, including contact, logo, and copyright information. ![]() Have you experienced an event that seemed like an amazing coincidence? One that you couldn't shake from your mind and you believed there was more to it than mere chance? I believe that when occurrences happen without a direct trail of cause and effect and yet make a profound impact of significant connection that there is more to it than chance, happenstance, or accidental association. Carl Jung studied these meaningful coincidences and coined the term “synchronicity.” I watch for these moments in my life and recently one of my readers shared her experience. She wrote: " . . . I totally believe in signs and such. Went to my local Goodwill and there was a Pennie Hunt "Good Enough" coffee mug, right there calling to me and reminding me that I AM Good Enough. Thank You for being, well, you and sharing your story and message. . ." She went on to explain that she took the mug home and interpreted it as a very positive sign during a challenging time in her life. My Good Enough mugs are peppered across the country and some have even traveled across oceans. The idea that this person was a follower of my work, found herself struggling in life, and came across one of my mugs with the message that she IS Good Enough at just the time that she needed to hear it - is lovely synchronicity! Yes, I did wonder who was giving my mug to the Goodwill, but even that has a magical synchronicity to it. Obviously, someone had passed on the mug without knowing it was at just the perfect time for it to become available to the person who needed to hear the message of hope. There was no intentional cause-and-effect in motion, yet it was a trail of simultaneous events with no discernible connection, and the outcome was significantly and meaningfully related. I know there are those out there who will bring out their calculators to argue statistics and probability theorems of how this mug traveled to her community and ended up on the shelf at her local Goodwill. I feel compassion for them and honor their beliefs, but I see a magic of life that they are missing. I believe that our outer world will lie before us what our inner self requires. When this realization is adopted, our job is to listen and pay attention. Pay attention to the magical, meaningful coincidences that become the serendipitous synchronicity that brings life to life. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pennie’s Life Lesson: “Watch for meaningful coincidences that relay messages of significant connection – Synchronicity!” YOUR TURN...
Share your thoughts and experiences relating to this post in a comment below. And please feel free to email me at: [email protected]. Thank you! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2013-2021 Pennie Hunt This was written and produced by Pennie Hunt. Feel free to forward and share this post. Please keep the entire message intact, including contact, logo, and copyright information. |
AuthorThere is a certain magic about where I live both physically and spiritually – on the crossroads of Spirit and Brave. Archives
January 2025
PLEASE NOTE: This page does not provide medical or legal advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. Through this site and links to other sites, Pennie Hunt provides general information for inspiration, encouragement and educational purposes only. The information provided in this site, or through links to other sites, is not a substitute for legal, medical, or professional care, and you should not use the information in place of a visit, call or the advice of your lawyer, physician or other healthcare provider. |