OF THE DAY What was your golden moment of the day? That moment when just for an instant life is quiet and the spectacular happens. Can you think of one? Magnificent Moments occur all the time -- right in front of us. They happen when we least expect it in soft miniature ways and grand glorious ways. They happen as bold aggressive attention grabbers and as mystical whispers. It may be the unexpected bonus at work; the call from a friend you haven’t heard from in months; or the crisp perfume of morning as you water your garden in the early hours of dawn. It may be the breath of a baby as they lay sleeping on your shoulder; the excitement of your dog’s greeting when you walk in the door; or the sun as it ripples diamonds across the ocean. You see, Magnificent Moments are everywhere and given to everyone. When we are children we live in the time and space of Magnificent Moments where everything seems magical. As we age we are blinded by commitments and responsibilities. We hurry through time and space tripping and stumbling right over the magic. Begin watching for your Magnificent Moment of the day. Catch that one moment when magic moves you to a place of still; a place of awe; a place of wonder. When spectacular happens stop to breathe it in. Savor it and at the end of the day remember how delicious it tasted. When you are on the lookout you will begin to notice that you are surrounded by golden moments. The challenge will become choosing the one that is the most magnificent! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pennie’s Life Lesson: “Be aware of and grateful for Magnificent Moments.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ YOUR TURN... My intent in sharing this with you is to encourage you to pay attention to the Magnificent Moments that happen in your life every day.... and experience the joy they bring you! Share your thoughts and experiences relating to this post in a comment below . And please feel free to email me at: [email protected]. Thank you! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2013-2016 Pennie Hunt This was written and produced by Pennie Hunt. Feel free to forward this post. Please keep the entire message intact, including contact, logo, and copyright information. If you have any questions or comments, or for reprint permission please email: [email protected]
“How are you?” – “Oh, I’m so BUSY!” “Hello there, how ya doin?” – “I am swamped, I’m too BUSY!” “What are you up too, want to ….. "No, no, no, I can’t I have too much going on- I’m too BUSY!” “I’m busy” has become our response to any greeting. Busy has become our natural state. Busy has become a thing- a noun – like a dark shadow that circles our lives. Do you see what we are doing to ourselves? When did we begin equating being busy with success? Maybe it began as an attempt to seem important by verbally listing the engagements, meetings and commitments we have on our to-do-list…and ending with a sigh. Always a sigh. At some point we began believing our own self talk. After all, our mind and brain will believe our own voice more than any other voice. And we were very convincing. We began to believe that we had to have a list to keep up with everyone else. We had to be busy! We began to believe that the level of busy-ness was the measure of our own self-worth. So the list became longer. We foolishly became filled with distracting details of our activities. The exchanged expression of ALL we have to do became expected. And exhausting. But, we didn’t stop there. We began adding things to our lives. Remember being busy = success! Yes, life moves fast. New age electronics have increased this speed at an astounding pace. It is frightening to ponder. We all have work, families, responsibilities and commitments. Do we have to make ourselves even more overwhelmed with the continual documenting of our busy-ness to everyone we interact with? Secretly we just want to scream! What if we began answering greetings with, “I’m well, I’m happy and I am thrilled to see you today!” What if we greeted others with, “What is making you happy today?” And then, shut up and smile. Possibly, just possibly, the response may be more engaging than the level of overloaded activities filling the pack on their back. They may just share a joyful story or expression of happiness. The way greetings are meant to be. Here is mine to you: “Hello there, how are you? What brings you joy today?” And your response is??? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pennie’s Life Lesson: “Stop telling yourself and others how busy you are. Instead speak of the joy and happiness that fills your life!” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My intent in sharing this with you is to encourage you to notice how often you say you are "TOO BUSY." Are you really? Is it a habit to say that? Is it true? Share your thoughts and experiences relating to this post in a comment below . And please feel free to email me at: [email protected]. Thank you! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2013-2016 Pennie Hunt This was written and produced by Pennie Hunt. Feel free to forward this post. Please keep the entire message intact, including contact, logo, and copyright information. If you have any questions or comments, or for reprint permission please email: [email protected]
Burial Ground
While going through old photos I found one of myself from several years ago. I saw the familiar outward smile for the experience of the moment, but it was the inward sadness spilling from my eyes that colored the photo with memories. I can read people well and always sense sadness by their eyes and in their smile. I naively thought I was gifted in covering my own inner feelings from others. This photo, this smile was all too clear to me. My face was the cover of a book that held the story of a mother's despair. My smile forced, my face swollen from the pressure of holding grief. The photo, taken two years after my son passed was validation of the wear my pain had caused. The physical reaction to heart break. I have searched the photo for days, re-feeling the moments after his passing....from the phone call until now years later. I've tried to grasp the transition of feelings over time. I have become a Burial Ground. We all have endured the loss of a loved one. I have experienced many, so I say this from understanding and comparison. A mother’s grief for a child is different. We accept the gift of creating a life within our bodies, nurturing that life and bringing it forward to re-gift to the world. We endure the shock, the pain, and the irreversible moment of having that life ripped from us. We are mothers willing to carry any weight we must in protection and honor of our child. We plan the service, pick the flowers and stand over a casket. We remember the smell of the soft spot on the back of their neck and the smell of the funeral home. For many, the burial ground is a memory of freshly piled dirt that covers our child in a brown dust of isolation. Over time grass will become the green blanket that forms a backdrop for repeated splashes of colorful flowers, creating moments of beauty, while the pain remains very alive buried underneath. In the same way our mother bodies become a burial ground. For years the pain shows on our faces. Slowly we learn how to live in a new way. Even as more time passes, as the smiles become more genuine, the eyes will always be the lenses into our eternal pain. Our outward lives experience splashes of joy and moments of happiness, while our hearts never recover from the pain buried inside. Hidden beneath, our child is held tightly protected in our broken hearts. We become a living, walking, breathing burial ground guarding the life that will forever remain cradled inside of us. I scanned through more and more photos of myself and watched as the swelling receded from my face. The smile began to sparkle. Joy returned. Looking deeply though, I see it, the way I have always seen it in other grieving moms. I see it in myself. Concentrating on my eyes I realize they have become my determined gatekeepers for my internal burial ground. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pennie's Life Lesson: “When you look deeply into eyes, you will see the pain of the past.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My intent in sharing this with you is to encourage you to notice the pain carried secretly you and in others. Share your thoughts and experiences relating to this post in a comment below . And please feel free to email me at: [email protected]. Thank you! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2013-2016 Pennie Hunt This was written and produced by Pennie Hunt. Feel free to forward this post. Please keep the entire message intact, including contact, logo, and copyright information. If you have any questions or comments, or for reprint permission please email: [email protected]
I lost my day. It began in the normal way. Alarm. Glass of water. Cup of coffee. Work out. Shower. Then... I lost it. My day became an endless loop of wondering what I should do. Not wanting to do anything. Feeling disappointed in myself that I wasn’t accomplishing, achieving or making an impact, I walked from window to window looking out at the world feeling lost. I didn’t have a plan for the day. I was uneasy. Restless. Uncertain. And then, it was over. I lost my day. Now, holding a brand new day in my grasp and enjoying all that comes with it I look back on that day and realize I occasionally experience what I call A Lost Day. A day lost in time that I wasted. I’m not talking about a day spent reading or relaxing, which I find necessary to rejuvenate both mind and soul and is far from wasted. A Lost Day is spent spinning and twirling in indecision. Not being able to focus on a desire. In my self-analyzation I uncovered this… I was raised in a military family where it was ingrained in my DNA to work hard, accomplish and achieve. I often times find myself at the end of a day spewing a list of "completion". From laundry to writing I do a mental review of what I did to add value during the day. Could it be possible if I don’t “do” I must not be of value? Our minds are funny little puzzles consisting of pieces created at birth with more picked up as we journey through life. We maneuver the unchangeable ones to create a frame. All other misshaped pieces are turned and tried until they fit together to create the picture of our lives. Over time we may crinkle and bend a piece or two and might even lose one, but the frame remains the landing pad. The secret code of our belief system’s DNA. Here is the thing… although I was raised with the core value of hard work and accomplishment I was never taught that without doing that I was not of value. That became one of the internal puzzle pieces that my mind created and connected to another piece as I built my life. So of course when I have a day of spinning in indecision I feel useless and wasteful. I experience the frustration of a Lost Day. The next time I experience a Lost Day I will at least understand what is happening. I will try to lean into it with the knowing of why and the understanding of my emotions. As I write this, I sit in self-satisfaction for solving the puzzle. Finding the piece that skews my life picture. Today I accomplished! I achieved! I made an impact – if only on my own life. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pennie’s Life Lesson: “Pay attention to the puzzle pieces that create the picture of your life. Don’t force pieces to fit that don’t belong.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My intent in sharing this with you is to encourage you to think about the puzzle pieces you have allowed into the frame of your life. How have you included negative, unhealthy ones to guide your feelings and emotions? Share your thoughts and experiences relating to this post in a comment below . And please feel free to email me at: [email protected]. Thank you! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2013-2016 Pennie Hunt This was written and produced by Pennie Hunt. Feel free to forward this post. Please keep the entire message intact, including contact, logo, and copyright information. If you have any questions or comments, or for reprint permission please email: [email protected] |
AuthorThere is a certain magic about where I live both physically and spiritually – on the crossroads of Spirit and Brave. Archives
January 2025
PLEASE NOTE: This page does not provide medical or legal advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. Through this site and links to other sites, Pennie Hunt provides general information for inspiration, encouragement and educational purposes only. The information provided in this site, or through links to other sites, is not a substitute for legal, medical, or professional care, and you should not use the information in place of a visit, call or the advice of your lawyer, physician or other healthcare provider. |